Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 92

"It is better to be in chains with friends , than to be in a garden with strangers." -Persian Proverb

It’s been a few weeks since my last blog and these are my sins… Well I really don’t have any new sins…same old ones just hanging around (smile). Life just seems to have gotten in the way and I have not been able to sit down and blog. I guess I can take this a good thing, I no longer run to my computer trying to get out the demons that had me afraid of turning fifty. I now have a million wonderful thoughts that I want to share with anyone willing to listen. I’ve recently been thinking about friends again and how you don’t immediately know why they’re in your life. I have friends that have taught me so much about myself. The older friends help me to remember who I was and still am. The newer ones help me to fine tune who I’ve become. Where would I be without you? Once again I am wrapped in memories of good times and warm feelings. I am so happy to have friends that have stood the test of time and continue hold a place in my life. I’m excited as well about new friends that are teaching me things and opening my life up to new views. I just read this, “The conventional wisdom is that good friendships enhance an individual's sense of happiness and overall well-being. But a number of solid studies support the notion that strong social supports improve a woman’s prospects for good health and longevity”. Well, if this study stands correct thanks to all of you I will be around for a very long time. So, I'm sending this as my open love letter to all of my friends…. Thank you for making me who I am and for helping me to become who I want to be. I will be here to support you in your journeys and always be here for you. XO

Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 74

“There is no such thing as chance; and what seem to us merest accident springs from the deepest source of destiny.” ~ Friedrich von Schiller

I’ve often wondered about decisions that I’ve made. Turn left instead of right. Stay instead of go. Lie instead of truth. If you’re of the mind, like me, that every event in our life is predestined, then did I really make those decisions? Making any decision right or wrong would then mean that I did not have control. The universe somehow guided me to the inevitable outcome. I’m actually laughing as I write this. Am I trying to find a way to remove all guilt from any bad decision I’ve made. I can say this. The only time that I have regretted any decision that I’ve made was when I went against my first instinct. In my head, “Don’t go on that date”...I don’t listen and then he leaves me with the check or he leaves on the side of the road. “Don’t by those 3’ heels. You can’t walk in flats”…I don’t listen, wear them and trip stepping off the curb. Ok, these are silly examples but I’ve made some life changing decisions where I weighed instinct against impulse and impulse won. Those are the decisions I regret. I need to learn to trust myself. I need to listen to that “little voice” that never seems to fail me. I’ll be listening for that little voice the next time I pick Lotto numbers….obviously my impulses are not working.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 72

“It is only in adventure that some people succeed in knowing themselves - in finding themselves.” ~ Andre Gide

I am in the mood for an adventure. Something that will take me away, even if just for a few hours. Ideally I would love the adventure to include a bungee jump off of a cliff head first into the Caribbean sea. Ok..that’s not going to happen. I need to see something I’ve never seen before. Taste some new exotic meal. Hear some heart pumping beats from a steal drum. Walk on a cobble stone street. You know what I mean. I feel stuck today. It’s that day for me to take the different route home. Who knows where this came from? Why today? Hmmmm? I think I've just been a worker bee lately..you know, no variation to my routien. So, today I will take that new route, turn up the music when I get home and make something terribly spicy for dinner. That’s where I’ll start. I need a mini vacation. A romantic dinner. A rollercoaster ride…I love them. I'm going to start building adventure into my life. Not wait for it to come to me but to run boldly, eyes wide open into adventure. This is exactly how I am facing my fear of turning the big 5-0. I am in 50’s face and daring it make me feel old. Now, I just have to figure out who’s butt I’m going to kick in my new blog….