“Where misunderstanding serves others as an advantage, one is helpless to make oneself understood” ~Lionel Trilling
mis•un•der•stand•ing [mis-uhn-der-stan-ding] –noun
1. failure to understand correctly; mistake as to meaning or intent.
2. a disagreement or quarrel
I have found that it is very easy to be misunderstood. Your best intentions can sometimes seem to spin out of control when perceived negatively by another person. I have always been someone that wants to please all parties in any situation. This behavior has sometime been to my own detriment. It’s very true that “You can please some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time but you can't please all of the people all of the time”. For me this seems horrible...you mean “I can’t please everyone?” I think it’s important to realize that you can only do your best and you can’t be responsible for someone else’s best. I often find myself in the position of peace maker to my own drama, where I should just be a participant. I think I’ll have find my inner “mean girl” when it comes to standing my ground. (At least my perception of mean). I need to be a bully for my cause whatever it may be. I no longer take on the sole responsibility for misunderstandings…after all…who put me in charge of the world’s feelings. I affectionately pass the torch.