Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 24

To avoid sickness eat less; to prolong life worry less. ~Chu Hui Weng

Today I am not feeling 100%. I think I’m coming down with a cold or something. I’m generally very healthy but a few times a winter I get these cold “threats”. The threats are all the early symptoms but never the cold…. So, today I’m not sure if I can muster up the banter or the jocularity that I love to share.

But let me share one life changing thought that came to me last night, as I lay there hoping I would feel better. There are some things that will be better left in my forties, this one in particular. You see, I’m the kind of person that doesn’t know how to turn someone away, even when you realize that they could be harmful to your sanity. I always think of the other person’s feelings and end up with the short end of the stick. Like getting a haircut that you know makes you look like an alien but you tell the stylist that you “love” it, or not sending back the steak that’s raw that should have been well done. Well no more. I will not be obnoxious, or scary yelling lady, but I will be polite, courteous, and get exactly what I want and send back exactly what I don’t want. I think I’m feeling better already…LOL.