“Life is all about timing... the unreachable becomes reachable, the unavailable become available, the unattainable... attainable. Have the patience, wait it out it’s all about timing.” Stacey Charter
I remember when I was younger (as I’m sure all of you can) how long it took for Christmas to get here. I really started thinking about it in September, and it just seemed as if it was never going to get here. Everything was like that. Whatever you were expecting took forever. Now in September if I think about Christmas I’m like “ONLY four months to go, YIKES!”. I’ve already started wondering if I’ll get a tree this year and I sort of know some of the gifts I’ll be buying. Before I know it I’ll be scrambling and doing it all last minute because four months will have turned into four days. Has the concept of time really changed or maybe I just stopped living every day the way I did when I was younger. I’m always looking ahead to the next. The next day, weekend, conversation, Holiday, vacation. I stopped being present in the now. Someone very near and dear to my heart “E” says to me all the time that my mind never rests. He seems to have the unnerving ability to think of absolutely nothing at will. HOW DOES HE DO THAT??? I can’t remember a minute or a half minute in the past 25 years that I wasn’t thinking about something. (Well maybe when I was under anesthesia, but even then I was probably wondering if I was drooling). This is probably why I feel as if 50 is hurling at me at the speed of light. I have filled my head with a million thoughts of dread and fear. Thank goodness for blogs... Here, I’m getting a lot of things out of my head and into the heads of the few of you who are reading me (smile). So, I’m going to try a little experiment… Starting tomorrow for two days (luckily it will be the weekend) I will not wear a watch, I will find a time when I just stare out into space and think of nothing except the color on the wall and just live by the seat of my pants. If I’m correct this weekend will seem wonderfully endless. Hmmmmm…not sure that’s a good thing yet. See you Monday!