The Master said,
"At fifteen, I had my mind bent on learning.
At thirty, I stood firm.
At forty, I had no doubts.
At fifty, I knew the decrees of Heaven.
At sixty, my ear was an obedient organ for the reception of truth.
At seventy, I could follow what my heart desired, without transgressing what was right."
Day 133... 133 days ago I started writing my blog. I've had 133 days to explore my fears and find my excitement. What a wonderful journey this has been. A little over four months of exploring. What I now know is that 50 is no big deal, or at least no bigger deal than 20, 30 or 40. You can be great at any age. We limit ourselves by assuming that the world is perceiving us in one way or another, when in truth we design or lives, we live it. So, if there was any one thing that I will take away from this 133 day journey it is that I will really like myself at 50, 60, 70 and beyond. I hope that anyone that has read my blog found a way to celebrate and find the wonderful things about themselves. Maybe you found something about yourself that you somehow overlooked. I found that I've made a difference is many peoples lives. I'm a great mother, I've been a great friend, a great sister, a great daughter, a great girlfriend, cook, problem solver, I'm funny, creative, sarcastic, insightful, comforting....whew! I am not as one dimensional as I thought. (I wanna be my friend (smile).) So today as I celebrate my half century mark and close the chapter of my life that was this blog, I want to thank each and everyone that read this blog and/or commented, laughed and lifted me up. one of a new blog a new adventure. Will you join me?