Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 2

132 days to go....

Last evening as I was in the safe secure cocoon of my bed letting the room fill with darkness and only the glow of my laptop to light my way...I happened to look down at my hands which I guess I never do (thanks to touch typing) and in the blue glow of my screen I saw what could only be described as OLD HANDS. Who's hands were these these wrinkled, veined and very scary hands at the end of my wrists??? I quickly turned on my light only to see that my hands had returned to their original state. Again I turned off the light and looked at my hands in the glow of the laptop and there they were again.... I then remembered a similarly scary experience. I'd gone for a facial and as part of the package a ultra violet type picture was taken of your face to show where the sun damage was and sort of give you a peek into the future. That was insane! I didn't want to know what my future held as far as age spots and wrinkles. So I guess last night was a peek into the future of my hands and it doesn't look good. So somewhere in my slumber last night I imagined that in 132 days the deterioration would start.
Today I’m remembering that growing up I had the hottest grandmother around. In her fifties she completely reinvented herself. She joined a local theater and became an actress, wrote articles for a local paper, did voice overs, wore hot pants and just did everything that made her happy. She ran head on into her fifty’s and didn’t take a break well into her seventies.

My grandmother passed away last year and I can only imagine her disappointment in my very silly behavior.
So how do I turn these thoughts around? I mean I'm using all of the potions and lotions available to ward off the evil effects of inevitable aging?
Well I have 132 days to figure it out....

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