“Prosperity is a way of living and thinking, and not just money or things. Poverty is a way of living and thinking, and not just a lack of money or things.” ~ Eric Butterworth
How often have I talked to my friend “C” about prosperity? Probably once a week. In fact this entry is inspired by her. You see we (C and I) like to think of ourselves as living “as if”. As if we already have what we want, need and desire. You see we believe that we hold ourselves back by believing that things will not come to us. Now I am not talking about winning the lottery or hitting the jackpot in Vegas, but about having things fall into place.
Prosperity has come to me in so many ways. It’s in the tiny apartment that I share with my daughter; that I thought I would hate, but I love more and more every day. In my dear friend that listens to me endlessly prattle on about the drama that is me. In a new friend that offered when I told her I was going to “hell in a hand basket” to carry the basket… There are a million things that I will stop taking for granted and start realizing how rich and prosperous my life really is. Now I wonder if I live my life "as if " I’m 25 that will work????
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