Content - con•tent2 [kuhn-tent] –adjective 1. satisfied with what one is or has; not wanting more or anything else.
I’m trying to decide if that’s a good or bad word. Content. It’s wonderful to feel satisfied. It’s great to feel that you have all that you want. The reverse could also be true. Content. No longer wanting more. Giving up… There are times when I have been content in the good way. I have been content with a meal, a shopping trip, the feeling of clean sheets. There are times when I have also been content in the bad way. I have not wanted more and settled. This is truly a case of words having power. The word content has just put a smile and a frown on my face when thinking of its intent. So, I think I will try on a new word or a version of the other.
Discontent - dis•con•tent [dis-kuhn-tent] –adjective 1. not content; dissatisfied; discontented 2. a restless desire or craving for something one does not have.
I think this word feels better. Discontent. I think I was in full force discontent when I started this blog. I was not satisfied and had a restless desire to find the happiness in turning 50. Discontent has made me very happy. It’s given me the strength to question, examine and look for change in things that have kept me content. I won’t lose balance and go overboard and turn discontent into ornery or obnoxious. I will use it to shine and strive for the ultimate happiness, (although this is probably not possible to attain), the journey of discontent seems so much better than the settled of content. So, which are you?
I'm usually the content person, but like you I was never sure if being content was a good or bad thing. Since reading your blog, I like your idea better. I will now become a person of discontent, stop settling and start living.