Thursday, September 30, 2010
Day 38
When you visualize, then you materialize. If you've been there in the mind you'll go there in the body. - Dr Denis Waitley
I know I’ve mentioned my vision board in a previous blog or two, unfortunately it still sits behind my dresser very dusty. Although I am a firm believer of vision boards, somehow don’t seem to be able to pull it out an update my visions. Fortunately, since writing this blog I have been using a part of my brain with has been hibernating for a very long winter. Because of this awakening I am now my own vision board. I now carry my vision board in my head. My mental board is constantly being updated with visions of love, happiness, vacations and yes the Cartier bracelet. This has brought so much love and happiness into my life lately. These thoughts are what I keep in the forefront of my mind. I have found that I have reconnected with old friends without effort, have found new ways of expression with current friends and have met wonderful new friends. This has made me wonder, how much do we miss because we've forgotten how dream or believe that the unattainable is attainable? My daughter still believes and dreams and the age of twenty, still “knows” that she can do/be anything she wants. Why do we have to forgo that because of age? Of course dreams change with age but how wonderful to have them and to know that whatever we want we can still have. What this means to me is that I choose to be happy, I choose love, I choose the positive. We still have choices every day. I’m starting to make the right ones.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Day 37
"Run towards your fears. Embrace them. On the other side of your greatest fears lives your greatest life."
The statement above is the polar opposite of how I’ve treated my fears. I’d run from anything that I was afraid of. Or at least I did. Writing this blog was a huge fear because I would be exposing myself. It’s like having your diary posted on the bathroom wall. I was afraid that I would be opening myself up to criticism or worse laughs, talk about fear. But, in truth what I found out is that I could quite possibly have something to say. It feels good to know, that I might bring a smile, a new thought or maybe a laugh to the person reading it. I have to say, this is has been a wonderful journey. It makes me think of how many other wonderful things I’ve missed out on because of fear. How many times did I go in the other direction and miss a great experience. This has been a great lesson. This is an opportunity for me to become fearless to look ahead to “the other side” of my fear. The fear that I had about turning fifty has now turned into a wonderful life changing experience. I wonder how many other people are not staring down the monster and are missing out. Well, I am embracing the scary and standing up to my fears. I’m excited to think, that I am in the process of living my greatest life.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Day 36
My best yoga pose....LOL
“We do our best that we know how at the moment, and if it doesn't turn out, we modify it.” ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt quotes (American 32nd US President (1933-45)
What are the expectations I have for myself and am I meeting them? Sometimes I set my expectations too high. I look too far down the road and the goal become unattainable. Those are the times I give up. I quit the diet, stop knitting the ten foot scarf, hide all the equipment I brought to become a sushi chef or stop writing my memoirs. You see, I always expect I’ll be the best rather than realizing I’m doing my best. Celebrating the small hour to hour victories is all I can handle some days. This week I am learning to have compassion for myself. I’m realizing that doing my best at any moment is all I can expect. If you like me believe in the laws of cause and effect, you won’t do what you shouldn’t do. If you can do something you must do it to the best of your ability. This is the formula for being your best. I've read that being your best changes from day to day. Your best is different when you’re ill, tired, rested, happy or sad. So instead of beating myself up when my best changes, I’ll give myself a pass and be my best again in the next hour.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Day 35
If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. ~Dalai Lama
I like to think that I live my life in a very conscious way. I try my best not hurt anyone’s feelings, follow "most" of the rules, offer the larger piece of anything to the other person. I’m always concerned at how any and all of my actions affect the other person. I think you get the picture. I’ve made a career of not stepping on toes. Lately I’ve come to realize that while doing what is deemed “good girl behavior”, I’ve been not so good to myself. It’s dawned on me that treating me well would not mean that I had turned into a villain. How easy, I realize, it is to leave yourself out of your life. I’m sure there are a lot of people out there that without realizing it forget to add themselves to their “to do” lists. I know I have…and I’m the queen of lists. If ever there is a choice between doing for myself or someone else I always lose. I’ve decided to make an effort to add myself to the list. To, dare I say…do for me first or at least second. Somehow I think clocks won’t stop; the world will not stop rotating, just because I take the larger piece of pie. I think that people will start to see the change in me and probably wonder if maybe I have a new love…and they’ll be right…
Friday, September 24, 2010
Day 32
You can become blind by seeing each day as a similar one. Each day is a different one; each day brings a miracle of its own. It's just a matter of paying attention to this miracle.” ~ Paulo Coelho
Today on my way into work I was thinking about how I do the exact same thing every day. I wake up at the same time, shower, and watch a little bit of the news, get on the train, walk in the same direction, etc., etc. It made me think about my daughter. When I would drive her to and from daycare, she would always want me to drive in different directions. I would turn down a different street, take the highway, and get off at different exits, just to give her something different to look at. At first it was very annoying, I really just wanted to get where I was going as quickly as possible. But then I started to do it automatically. I would get in the car and ask her what direction she wanted to go in and off we went. I was never late, the world didn’t come to an end, and I gave her an adventure. We would always see something new. She would see a funny colored house, a really cute dog, a new park; I found stores, new neighborhoods and spent some fun time with her.
Now, she’s all grown up and is still the adventurer, constantly moving in a different direction. I somehow went back to following the breadcrumbs back and forth to work. I realize I’m missing the miracles around me. Somehow, I’m letting every day slip into the next, into the next. So as I move into the next phase of my life, I’m going to take a different route, start looking up instead of down and pay attention to every day miracles.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Day 31
Ask ~ Believe ~ Receive
Three words that are intended to unlock the secret, which as most of the world now knows is the code name for the ‘law of attraction’.For the past two years taped to my computer monitor at work, are the words Ask, Believe, Receive. I love those words. These words are full of hope, dreams and promises. It reminds me that everything I want/need is within reach…at least this is my belief. Now, sometimes I’m not so good at living this. Sometimes I’m doubtful that this works. I was reminded of this belief twice last night. “C’ and I were talking and she is also a believer in the “law of attraction”, and said that she was having some issues, and a hard time with this. I told her that I was considering writing my blog yesterday on one of our favorite quotes “Worrying is like praying for something you don’t want”. That quote is the law of attraction in full effect. Whatever you keep your focus on materializes. The law can’t decipher which are good or bad intentions it just gives us what we’re focused on. The other time I was reminded of this last night was in my nightly conversation with “E”. He was saying that he thought I was focusing on something I didn’t want, and he reminded me of my beliefs. Although I was not focusing on the negative, (at least I dont think so) these conversations made me think about the power of intention. Yesterday, I was thinking a lot about the “law of attraction” and it kept being presented to me in one way or another. It was my subconscious focus. I am using this lesson to remind myself that “what you resist persist”, and to continue to make a conscious effort to live in "light and love". This is one of the gifts I’ve given myself that I will gladly be taking with me into 50. So, do you like me feel that I should have been wearing a tie dyed t-shirt and my birkenstocks while I was writing this entry?
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Day 31
"Love and Fear" 11x14, Pen and Ink, 1/08
In each moment I have a choice. Am I choosing Love or Fear?
"We get to choose between love and fear every day - every moment. That's all there is. EVERYTHING comes from one of those two things. And we get to choose. We are creatures of free will." ~ Sam Harris
How true is that? We get to choose between love and fear. It’s so easy to blame others for what’s wrong or right in our lives. It’s so easy to believe that there is so much beyond our control. Lately, I have consciously made a decision to choose love. I have decided to love all of the bumps, bruises and hugs that are given to me. I “try” not to worry what lies ahead. (Easier said than done) Every day I’m tested. Do I love or fear my impending birthday? Do I love or fear the possibility of a broken heart? Do I love or fear the fact that I could gain weight? I am now counting down the days until my birthday with the anticipation of child looking forward to Christmas. If my heart gets broken I choose to hold onto the memories of love that have made me a better person. I’ve mentioned in a previous blog that I am looking forward to showing off my curves in the “red dress”. So who cares if I gain a pound or two?
We all have the ability to reinvent ourselves as many times as we want to. The choices we have are endless. Isn’t that wonderful! I have to keep reminding myself that I have choices and then always try to choose wisely.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Day 30
Content - con•tent2 [kuhn-tent] –adjective 1. satisfied with what one is or has; not wanting more or anything else.
I’m trying to decide if that’s a good or bad word. Content. It’s wonderful to feel satisfied. It’s great to feel that you have all that you want. The reverse could also be true. Content. No longer wanting more. Giving up… There are times when I have been content in the good way. I have been content with a meal, a shopping trip, the feeling of clean sheets. There are times when I have also been content in the bad way. I have not wanted more and settled. This is truly a case of words having power. The word content has just put a smile and a frown on my face when thinking of its intent. So, I think I will try on a new word or a version of the other.
Discontent - dis•con•tent [dis-kuhn-tent] –adjective 1. not content; dissatisfied; discontented 2. a restless desire or craving for something one does not have.
I think this word feels better. Discontent. I think I was in full force discontent when I started this blog. I was not satisfied and had a restless desire to find the happiness in turning 50. Discontent has made me very happy. It’s given me the strength to question, examine and look for change in things that have kept me content. I won’t lose balance and go overboard and turn discontent into ornery or obnoxious. I will use it to shine and strive for the ultimate happiness, (although this is probably not possible to attain), the journey of discontent seems so much better than the settled of content. So, which are you?
Monday, September 20, 2010
Day 29
Without music, life is a journey through a desert. ~ Pat Conroy
I'm at home today doing one of my favorite things, listening to my music past. This is the music that has shaped my world in one way or another. There's the music of my teen years, Dr. Buzzards Original Savannah Band (you gotta love that name). I actually quoted them just yesterday, "I'll be a fool for you, Oh girl, If that will get me over"...LOL. The Isley Brothers, the summer of 1973 I played one of their albums "Live it up" until the groves were worn. (Yes, it was an album. Does anyone else miss that scratchy prelude that the needle on album had before the song started). I have a million memories like that through the years. Saturday mornings and my father playing and singing along to Al Jarreau, Michael Franks and grooving to Earl Klugh and Miles Davis. My grandmother singing along to Nina Simone, Shirley Bassey and forgive her Tom Jones. My Granfather whisteling jazz, snapping his fingers and doing his version of the Bosa Nova. My Brother introduced me to Steely Dan, The Police and Billy Joel. My mother loved the Four tops. My brother performed "Ain't no woman like the one I got" in a elementary school talent show wearing a suede fringed vest and bell bottoms and won first prize. In my twenties I still loved Jazz, it made my friends and I feel set apart from the others and special. I did listen to and love contemporary music as well. In the 80's my cousin and I danced to and closed clubs to Diana Ross's "I'm coming out", Sylvester's "Mighty Real" and Rick James' "Superfreak". What great memories and bad hairdo's. How many times can I remember calling Bob Marley a "Prophet". In the 90's as a young mother I brought all of my music memories with me. These memories helped me survive countless hours of Barney singing "I love you". Throughout my life the one constant has been my collection of music. Its like me a little old and a little new. I love that I can hear a song and be transformed back to a time, a feeling, a mood. Music makes me feel young, in love, safe, happy and sad. I have a selection on my Ipod of songs that I listen to when my heart feels broken...guaranteed to make me cry...LOL. (It's all part of the wallowing process). All of my music has become the soundtrack of my life. I look forward to carrying them into the next phase of my life and adding to what is already a great mixed tape.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Day 26
We've put more effort into helping folks reach old age than into helping them enjoy it. ~Frank A. Clark
Just an observation or rather a question. Is there some database out there that sends your name out to all of the senior vendors as soon as you’re approaching 50? I mean I always got junk mail, sometimes it was something I really wanted…a subscription to a fashion magazine, discounts to a store I like, restaurant promotions, you know. I’ve even looked for some like carpet cleaning specials or apartment painters. Well, my junk mail has been replaced with things like (and I’m not kidding) a brochure for a Hoveround. You know them, the electric wheelchairs. In the ads there are people (of a certain age) at the Grand Canyon or poolside, looking so happy. Now, I do think it’s a great invention, everyone should be able to be mobile. But, does turning 50 mean that I should be considering buying one??? Should I get one just in case? I don’t know. Between that and the AARP applications…they are taking away my good mood. I keep throwing them away but they keep sending them. I mean if you know me at all you know I love a discount, but really….
I still plan on doing and being the same person that I am for as long as I can be. I’m doing a big enough job on myself without their help. So, I think it’s time for me to take a stand for all of the short skirt wearing, too much cleavage showing, sexy hottties (of a certain age) and say… Hell No! We won’t go‼….especially not in a Hoveround….
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Day 25
"You just reminded me of what's really important in life, friends, and best friends." - Fried Green Tomatoes
Yesterday, as you know I wasn’t feeling like myself. I was dragging because of the cold thing and just dealing with some other annoying issues. What I thought would be a bad day turned out to be a really great day. My friends pulled me up and out of any mood I may have been in. I was given get well gifts. The gifs came in the form of tough conversation, a walk and a bite of a waffle. In the form of laughter that always feels like a hug from “D”. In the form of hearing from an old love now friend who always makes me feel at least ten years younger. It came from “J” and “M” listening and laughing at the absurd events. All of these things made me realize how important it is to have friends not matter how they get into your life or how much of your life they actually share; they all contribute to who I am.
I have a lot of friends that are scattered across the country and world for that matter. I told “G” last night that next year when I’m the big “5-0”, I wanted to start visiting all of them. I want to share some real face time with the people that mean so much to me but I never see. I also want to make more time for the people that are closer. This past summer I spent a few days with my brother and it was incredible. We laughed, ate too much and just did nothing and everything. That is exactly the experience I want to share. A friend said that we could be like Thelma and Louise without the ending…LOL. I love that! I want to be reckless, fearless and draw all of my friends in on my 50 year adventure. Wanna come????
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Day 24
To avoid sickness eat less; to prolong life worry less. ~Chu Hui Weng
Today I am not feeling 100%. I think I’m coming down with a cold or something. I’m generally very healthy but a few times a winter I get these cold “threats”. The threats are all the early symptoms but never the cold…. So, today I’m not sure if I can muster up the banter or the jocularity that I love to share.
But let me share one life changing thought that came to me last night, as I lay there hoping I would feel better. There are some things that will be better left in my forties, this one in particular. You see, I’m the kind of person that doesn’t know how to turn someone away, even when you realize that they could be harmful to your sanity. I always think of the other person’s feelings and end up with the short end of the stick. Like getting a haircut that you know makes you look like an alien but you tell the stylist that you “love” it, or not sending back the steak that’s raw that should have been well done. Well no more. I will not be obnoxious, or scary yelling lady, but I will be polite, courteous, and get exactly what I want and send back exactly what I don’t want. I think I’m feeling better already…LOL.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Day 23
“You can’t find peace until you find all the pieces”
I have a blackberry, and although I have been told I don’t use it to its full capacity, it serves me well. I get calls, (my #1 priority for a phone), I can text, I get my emails from my numerous accounts and I can get onto the internet when I’m walking around town (not sure why I need to), oh, and I do use the camera on occasion. But my favorite feature is the capacity to write myself notes. I have restaurants that I want to try, E’s clothing sizes, quotes, events that I want to attend, things that catch my eye, to do lists, ideas that just pop into my head (and there are many), things that my daughter has me on the hunt for, the color lipstick I want to try, and on and on. It has replaced all the scraps of paper that I use to carry around or the million cute little notebooks that I’ve brought just for that purpose but when I need them they are in another handbag. My Blackberry is one way that I’ve made my life a little easier. In it today I found the quote above. I’m not sure where I heard it but I’m sure it moved me as much when I heard it the first time as it did today It has me thinking about peace and when do we actually have/find peace. I thought that peace was maybe having people not give me a hard time or having things go my way. Not so. I realize now that I can’t control anyone’s actions but my own and trying to will give me anything but peace. I have been working on finding the pieces for a while, making myself the best that I can be. I know that at the end of the day I can truly say that I’ve done my best. I do fall short sometimes but for the most part I realize that doing my best is far better that being the best. So, as I look for the pieces to complete the puzzle that is me, I hope not only to continue to find peace but to be a peaceful influence on others. After all, I do have the hippy sandals….
Monday, September 13, 2010
Day 22
“The more things change, the more they stay the same”
New me~~~~Old me
On Sunday morning as I lay on my couch, catching up by phone on the past week’s events with my BFF, I was overcome with that wonderful fall feeling that I love. The sky was dark, it was windy, and the leaves are still on the trees and making that wonderful sound in the wind. It’s time for sweaters, wool, “cashmere”, flannel, boots and the like, I L-O-V-E the fall…you think. Because, in my head one thought leads to another leads to another, etc., etc. I started thinking about my favorite sandals (strange I know). These sandals were my favorite purchase for the summer of 2010. They fed the part of me that’s little flashy and the part of me that really believes, had I been born ten years earlier I would have been stringing beads and living in Woodstock. The sandals are my silver Birkenstocks. This summer they walked me up and down the strip in Las Vegas (with my 20 year old), walked me through the Village and Soho, to Union Square Market, to the opening night of Sex and the City (where Manolo Blanhik’s were the shoe of choice), to the opening night of Eat, Pray, Love (where my earthy shoes fit right in), to lunches, dinners and pedicures. They have been my true companions for the past three months. When I slip my feet into them I know that they will never hurt, pinch or blister my feet. I wish that everything was that simple, I will I could look on the internet put my card number in and few days later a solution would arrive. I realized also this summer how much I’ve changed but stayed the same in the last twenty years. One day when I was cleaning out my closet what did I find but the ancestor to my now favorite shoes. There they were a tan leather pair of Birkenstocks in the exact same style. I brought them 18 years ago, and as I slipped them on I remembered trips to St. Pete Beach, Tyrone mall (pushing a stroller), Disneyworld, Bush Gardens and all of the places they’d walked me through with my growing daughter in hand. I wore them a few times but they really didn’t feel the same. ( I guess I’ve changed but the shoes had stayed the same.) I don’t think I’ll ever get rid of them, I’ll take them out and wear them every once in a while and remember. Now at 49, I am the same wannabe hippy with a touch of fashionista, it’s a good feeling to know that I have been true to myself in some ways over the years. So, if history repeats itself, 18 years or so from now I will buy a new pair and this time…they’ll be gold with rhinestones.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Day 19
Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny... Frank Outlaw
The quote above really speaks to me and the way I would like to think I live my life. I really believe that we are in control of our destiny. We create our world. I’ve created my world good or bad. I have a book that I have given out as a present to many people. I introduced a friend to this book about 10 or 12 years ago and we both have used it as a guide to becoming better... This mysterious book is The Four Agreements. It’s a great book (at least I think so). So today I was wondering if maybe just maybe I am a little pushy. You see, when I find something I love I have to share it, be it food or a life changing book. Am I like one of those people shoving menus or flyer in your hand as you navigate through the streets, trying not to catch their eyes? I hope not. Well, here I am a wealth of information some useless some helpful for the world to tap. I think going forward I will not be as presumptuous as to assume that charting your destiny is as important to everyone as it is to “C” and I. I think the next book I will give out will be a book of jokes, haiku’s or how to bone a chicken in five steps or less.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Day 18
“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” ~Oprah Winfrey
This blog is all about finding a way to celebrate the big 5-0. I was speaking to a friend last night and he asked me what I was planning. He told me that all of his friends that are turning 50 were planning BIG things. I told him that I would keep him informed and include him in the celebration. After our conversation I thought about it and realized that although I want to mark the day in some way doing something big is really not my style. Maybe a small dinner with friends, maybe no dinner and just an evening of desserts, maybe a spa day with my friends, maybe a romantic dinner….. (Remember my blog day one… I want to wear a red dress). I think that whatever I decide I now realize that I have made this into a 133 day birthday. I will be celebrating my day and myself every day until January 4th. How fabulous is that? On the final day of my blog I should (god willing) have gained more insight into where I was, where I’m going and where I want to be. That is the ultimate celebration. The best gift I can give myself is to be happy and realize that I’ve done my best. Oh…and I will be wearing a red or at least a sexy dress…even if I’m just having cupcakes and champagne.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Day 17 (I know, I know I missed 4 days..don't judge...LOL)
“We achieve inner health only through forgiveness - the forgiveness not only of others but also of ourselves” Joshua Loth Liebman
A friend that has been reading my blog said that he really likes it and that I should keep the humor in it. Humor seems to come naturally for me. I see the absurdity in most things and either have a running commentary in my head or share my thought with anyone willing to listen. I have a friend “D” and we have had running jokes for the past fifteen years. The words “white jumpsuit” will have us laughing until we’re gasping for air. There are a million triggers like that for us a lot funny and a lot heartfelt. With that said I head into this entry maybe without as much humor as I’ve had in the past. Lately I have been thinking about the things that trigger emotions in me. I have been looking back at my life as I plan for my “better” future, and in doing that I realized that I wear an invisible sash. A sash much like the ones worn by girl scouts. You know, the sash where they collect their merit badges for the world to see. Unlike a girl scout, my merit badges are not for, cooking, and sewing or community service. My sash is full of the badges of my mistakes. All my wrongs that I’ve deemed large or small, that I beat myself up about. Anyone that knows me would say that I am a good mother, good friend, good sister, daughter, listener, cook, girlfriend… Well, maybe almost everyone that knows me….LOL. So, because I believe that everything happens for a reason and that there are no mistakes only “learning opportunities”, I’ve decided to take off my sash of shame and forgive myself as I’ve done with others. I plan on heading into the next 50 years using the experiences (good and bad) as my rule book. This time when I wear my sash I will proudly display all of my badges the good and the bad and love everyone of them.
By the way, I was not successful over the weekend at staring into space blankly…..I thought of this idea while I was trying it out….
Friday, September 3, 2010
Day 12
“Life is all about timing... the unreachable becomes reachable, the unavailable become available, the unattainable... attainable. Have the patience, wait it out it’s all about timing.” Stacey Charter
I remember when I was younger (as I’m sure all of you can) how long it took for Christmas to get here. I really started thinking about it in September, and it just seemed as if it was never going to get here. Everything was like that. Whatever you were expecting took forever. Now in September if I think about Christmas I’m like “ONLY four months to go, YIKES!”. I’ve already started wondering if I’ll get a tree this year and I sort of know some of the gifts I’ll be buying. Before I know it I’ll be scrambling and doing it all last minute because four months will have turned into four days. Has the concept of time really changed or maybe I just stopped living every day the way I did when I was younger. I’m always looking ahead to the next. The next day, weekend, conversation, Holiday, vacation. I stopped being present in the now. Someone very near and dear to my heart “E” says to me all the time that my mind never rests. He seems to have the unnerving ability to think of absolutely nothing at will. HOW DOES HE DO THAT??? I can’t remember a minute or a half minute in the past 25 years that I wasn’t thinking about something. (Well maybe when I was under anesthesia, but even then I was probably wondering if I was drooling). This is probably why I feel as if 50 is hurling at me at the speed of light. I have filled my head with a million thoughts of dread and fear. Thank goodness for blogs... Here, I’m getting a lot of things out of my head and into the heads of the few of you who are reading me (smile). So, I’m going to try a little experiment… Starting tomorrow for two days (luckily it will be the weekend) I will not wear a watch, I will find a time when I just stare out into space and think of nothing except the color on the wall and just live by the seat of my pants. If I’m correct this weekend will seem wonderfully endless. Hmmmmm…not sure that’s a good thing yet. See you Monday!
I remember when I was younger (as I’m sure all of you can) how long it took for Christmas to get here. I really started thinking about it in September, and it just seemed as if it was never going to get here. Everything was like that. Whatever you were expecting took forever. Now in September if I think about Christmas I’m like “ONLY four months to go, YIKES!”. I’ve already started wondering if I’ll get a tree this year and I sort of know some of the gifts I’ll be buying. Before I know it I’ll be scrambling and doing it all last minute because four months will have turned into four days. Has the concept of time really changed or maybe I just stopped living every day the way I did when I was younger. I’m always looking ahead to the next. The next day, weekend, conversation, Holiday, vacation. I stopped being present in the now. Someone very near and dear to my heart “E” says to me all the time that my mind never rests. He seems to have the unnerving ability to think of absolutely nothing at will. HOW DOES HE DO THAT??? I can’t remember a minute or a half minute in the past 25 years that I wasn’t thinking about something. (Well maybe when I was under anesthesia, but even then I was probably wondering if I was drooling). This is probably why I feel as if 50 is hurling at me at the speed of light. I have filled my head with a million thoughts of dread and fear. Thank goodness for blogs... Here, I’m getting a lot of things out of my head and into the heads of the few of you who are reading me (smile). So, I’m going to try a little experiment… Starting tomorrow for two days (luckily it will be the weekend) I will not wear a watch, I will find a time when I just stare out into space and think of nothing except the color on the wall and just live by the seat of my pants. If I’m correct this weekend will seem wonderfully endless. Hmmmmm…not sure that’s a good thing yet. See you Monday!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Day 11
“Prosperity is a way of living and thinking, and not just money or things. Poverty is a way of living and thinking, and not just a lack of money or things.” ~ Eric Butterworth
How often have I talked to my friend “C” about prosperity? Probably once a week. In fact this entry is inspired by her. You see we (C and I) like to think of ourselves as living “as if”. As if we already have what we want, need and desire. You see we believe that we hold ourselves back by believing that things will not come to us. Now I am not talking about winning the lottery or hitting the jackpot in Vegas, but about having things fall into place.
Prosperity has come to me in so many ways. It’s in the tiny apartment that I share with my daughter; that I thought I would hate, but I love more and more every day. In my dear friend that listens to me endlessly prattle on about the drama that is me. In a new friend that offered when I told her I was going to “hell in a hand basket” to carry the basket… There are a million things that I will stop taking for granted and start realizing how rich and prosperous my life really is. Now I wonder if I live my life "as if " I’m 25 that will work????
How often have I talked to my friend “C” about prosperity? Probably once a week. In fact this entry is inspired by her. You see we (C and I) like to think of ourselves as living “as if”. As if we already have what we want, need and desire. You see we believe that we hold ourselves back by believing that things will not come to us. Now I am not talking about winning the lottery or hitting the jackpot in Vegas, but about having things fall into place.
Prosperity has come to me in so many ways. It’s in the tiny apartment that I share with my daughter; that I thought I would hate, but I love more and more every day. In my dear friend that listens to me endlessly prattle on about the drama that is me. In a new friend that offered when I told her I was going to “hell in a hand basket” to carry the basket… There are a million things that I will stop taking for granted and start realizing how rich and prosperous my life really is. Now I wonder if I live my life "as if " I’m 25 that will work????
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Day 10
“It takes half your life before you discover life is a do-it-yourself project.” ~
Napoleon Hill (American author, 1883-1970)
Last night in my bedroom I’d dropped something and found myself on all fours searching to find it under
my bed. Ahhhh, under my bed…. The place where my dog hides her toys, where magazines and book escape my bed, storage for out of season clothes, the tool box my brother put together for me, and the place where old projects go to die….(wow! how much space do I have under my bed?) There I came across a bag that holds a quilt I’m making for my first nephew. I started it before he was born and imagined this quilt becoming his “Linus” blanket. Well, my nephew is 11 and into skateboard and the like and I can’t imagine that he would be too interested in a “blankie”, with a teddy bear quilted on it. I also have another quilt that I’m making for my bed. Laura Ashley sold the precut squares of her familiar patterned fabric to make your own quilts. I was as excited as I walked into the store on Madison Ave. color scheme in mind and ready to make a quilt that would be passed down through the years. I started that project over 20 years ago… It’s now the size of a placemat. I also have a scarf and a sweater waiting for my attention. I think I really just like the idea of having a “project”. I have finished some but there are much more projects in my under bed graveyard waiting for my attention. The quote that I chose today says it all for me, my life is my project. I keep trying to find a hobby, a craft, my “thing”. I think this blog is my thing and it found me. So, I want to say this to all of the other people out there looking for their “thing”…the minute you stop looking it finds you.
Napoleon Hill (American author, 1883-1970)
Last night in my bedroom I’d dropped something and found myself on all fours searching to find it under
my bed. Ahhhh, under my bed…. The place where my dog hides her toys, where magazines and book escape my bed, storage for out of season clothes, the tool box my brother put together for me, and the place where old projects go to die….(wow! how much space do I have under my bed?) There I came across a bag that holds a quilt I’m making for my first nephew. I started it before he was born and imagined this quilt becoming his “Linus” blanket. Well, my nephew is 11 and into skateboard and the like and I can’t imagine that he would be too interested in a “blankie”, with a teddy bear quilted on it. I also have another quilt that I’m making for my bed. Laura Ashley sold the precut squares of her familiar patterned fabric to make your own quilts. I was as excited as I walked into the store on Madison Ave. color scheme in mind and ready to make a quilt that would be passed down through the years. I started that project over 20 years ago… It’s now the size of a placemat. I also have a scarf and a sweater waiting for my attention. I think I really just like the idea of having a “project”. I have finished some but there are much more projects in my under bed graveyard waiting for my attention. The quote that I chose today says it all for me, my life is my project. I keep trying to find a hobby, a craft, my “thing”. I think this blog is my thing and it found me. So, I want to say this to all of the other people out there looking for their “thing”…the minute you stop looking it finds you.
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