Monday, August 30, 2010

Days 6, 7 & 8 (There was a weekend in there ;-))

“Everything in the unconscious seeks outward manifestation, and the personality too desires to evolve out of its unconscious conditions and to experience itself as a whole.”

The word manifestation seems to be the word of the hour, day and month for me. I have two friends (we’ll call them “C & H”) and we always seem to talk about how we manifest both good and bad into our lives and how to get control of both. Recent events have reinforced my belief that the energies you put out there, will come back to you. These events have also reminded me of my “vision board”. (For anyone that is not familiar with vision boards, the idea behind this is that when you surround yourself with images of who you want to become, what you want to have, where you want to live, or where you want to vacation, your life changes to match those images and those desires) I keep my vision board in a very sacred place…the floor behind my dresser. You see when I first put it together I kept it on my dresser…it’s large about a 2’ square made of green foam core. One day my daughter asked me to hide it, she was having friends over and I guess the idea of my grade school art project displayed for the world to see would have just been too much. (How many macaroni faces and ink blots that were supposed to be dog’s, pieces of art work had I lived with on the refrigerator??? Hmmmmm??) Well, that’s how it found its home behind the dresser…I pull it out every once in a while “dust it off” and just look at it. Hmmmm...Why don’t I have the Cartier love bracelet yet or why haven’t I lounged on the teak chaise lounge looking out at the sunset, or manifested the $1, 000000 (thanks to the C for the $ bill), oh, and all the phrases evoking inner peace, harmony and just plain old good feelings….WHERE ARE THEY???? I mean I had my glue stick, magazines and good intentions all in a row and set out to make it all come true, so what happened??? (I think I might have even had a glass of wine and been listening to jazz while I was making it) I think what happened is that I missed the number one’s a “vision” board and I hadn’t given it much visual time. All of the things that I’ve manifested lately are things that have been on my mind constantly. I have subconsciously worked them into my life. This is blog I guess is my public, non dusty vision board where I am manifesting all the things that I want for my future. So please forgive me if I post random pictures of vacations, words of love, Crumbs cupcakes, and piles of money and of course the Cartier bracelet.