Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 26

We've put more effort into helping folks reach old age than into helping them enjoy it. ~Frank A. Clark

Just an observation or rather a question. Is there some database out there that sends your name out to all of the senior vendors as soon as you’re approaching 50? I mean I always got junk mail, sometimes it was something I really wanted…a subscription to a fashion magazine, discounts to a store I like, restaurant promotions, you know. I’ve even looked for some like carpet cleaning specials or apartment painters. Well, my junk mail has been replaced with things like (and I’m not kidding) a brochure for a Hoveround. You know them, the electric wheelchairs. In the ads there are people (of a certain age) at the Grand Canyon or poolside, looking so happy. Now, I do think it’s a great invention, everyone should be able to be mobile. But, does turning 50 mean that I should be considering buying one??? Should I get one just in case? I don’t know. Between that and the AARP applications…they are taking away my good mood. I keep throwing them away but they keep sending them. I mean if you know me at all you know I love a discount, but really….
I still plan on doing and being the same person that I am for as long as I can be. I’m doing a big enough job on myself without their help. So, I think it’s time for me to take a stand for all of the short skirt wearing, too much cleavage showing, sexy hottties (of a certain age) and say… Hell No! We won’t go‼….especially not in a Hoveround….