Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 44

"The Mirror"

“We suffer primarily not from our vices or our weaknesses, but from our illusions. We are haunted, not by reality, but by those images we have put in their place.” ~ Daniel J. Boorstin

I think I have witnessed a modern day miracle. Now, I do use the word miracle loosely but….
While on one of my many visits to IKEA, I was browsing the furniture and came upon a mirror. Now to the untrained eye this may seem like your run of the mill floor mirror, but it’s magic. You see , when I look in this mirror I am really at least 10 lbs thinner, everything is in the right place, I look dam good….LOL. I must confess I’ve visited the mirror often. Now I know this sounds crazy and I didn’t believe it could this be? One day while clothes shopping I went into the dressing room with a few dresses and there it was the IKEA mirror. I tried on the dresses and they all looked fantastic‼ The dress that I chose was a vintage slip, with spaghetti straps and lace insets. What a beautiful dress! Well, when I got home and tried on this beautiful dress in my mirror, I was horrified. What the heck???? What was I wearing??? What was I thinking??? How did my twins fit into this dress a few hours ago? Is that MY butt??? It was the MIRROR. Needless to say I’ve never worn the dress. So how does this translate to everyday situations? I find myself looking at things through a “magic mirror”. Things that otherwise would not look as favorable I somehow can distort into what I want to see. I suppose this could be a good thing in some cases, like pretending that medicine tastes like “raspberry flavored vodka”…lol. The problem lies in distorting bad feelings into euphoria. How many times have I made lemons into lemon aide? From now on I will look at lemons as lemons and not swallow the poison and think it’s a cocktail. After all I’m not the magic mirror.

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