Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 56

If you want things to be different, perhaps the answer is to become different yourself. ~ Norman Vincent Peale

I often find myself wishing for change. Hoping that miraculously something or someone would wave a magic wand and make whatever it is different. Writing this blog has made me see that I, without realizing it have become the change I’ve been looking for. I have opened up a can of thoughts that have forced me to either make changes or seek solutions. The changes have been both subtle and monumental. You see, I’ve changed, and without design my world has also changed. Everything has shifted. I’m being presented more choices. New choices that make old truths no longer relevant. I am seeing myself in a new light and being forced to make these changes. It’s funny how we see ourselves as victims of others circumstances, ourselves as powerless. This perception is untrue. We “are” able to make our own differences and changes. The universe has recognized that I am willfully making a change and has shifted my world. Feeling in control of your destiny is a powerful thing. I get to choose, who, what, when, where and how. I guess I’ve always had this super power; I’ve always been a super hero but never knew it. Maybe my hot red birthday dress will have the ability to change into a leather cat suit (smile). Now, the super powers will also have to work so only my "inner" sex symbol is showing in tight leather from head to toe. Hmmmm….

1 comment:

  1. Love this, so heartfelt and meaningful. Anyone can relate to this. Change is constant.
